Sunstone: At Home Cruising & Racing
These pages are mostly about our sailing lives aboard our boat, 'Sunstone' since we left England on our world cruise in 1997. 'Sunstone', was our home from 1981 until 2015 and she has carried us 200,000 miles. We have also raced her a lot, so you'll find we have a few things to say about life afloat and the competitive side of sailing as well as about our travels. We sold Sunstone in 2021. Though we are still sailing in a new boat, our cruising is limited to New Zealand waters. As a result we are no longer updating this website, but will continue to maintain it for the present in the hope that some of the information and experience we have gathered may be useful or of interest to other sailors. Tom & Vicky Jackson If you would like to contact us, email |
Page 1 - Background on 'Sunstone' and Tom and Vicky
Page 2 - Atlantic to Pacific: September 97 - Septemmber 99 Spain, Canaries, Atlantic Crossing, Caribbean,
Antigua Classics, Bermuda Race, New England,
Nova Scotia, Chesapeake Bay, ICW, Florida,
Bahamas, Panama, Galapagos, Marquesas,
Tuamotus, Tahiti, Moorea, Huahine, Tahaa, Bora Bora,
Rarotonga, Niue, Beveridge Reef, Tonga, Fiji
Page 3 - New Zealand: October 99 - September 2000Auckland, Bay of Islands, Fiordland, Stewart Island,
Marlborough Sounds, Nelson
Page 4 - Australia+: September 2000 - March 2002
Sydney-Hobart Race, Tasmania, D' Entrecasteaux
Channel, Port Davey, Gordon River, New Caledonia,
Vanuatu, Hamilton Is. Racing, Whitsundays,
Tauranga (NZ)
Page 5 - Pacific Coast of North America - March 2002 - October 2003 Passages to Tahiti Hawaii Kodiak,
Kenai Peninsula, Prince William Sound, Glacier Bay,
SE Alaska, Inside Passage of British Columbia,
San Juan Is., Puget Sound, Gulf Is.,
Southern Straits and Neha Bay Races,
Vancouver Is., Queen Charlotte Is.,
San Francisco Bay, San Diego
Page 6 - Mexico and Costa Rica - October - May 2004Sea of Cortez, Mexico W. Coast, Costa Rica
Page 7 - Travels in Ecuador and the Galapagos - 2004Salinas, Galapagos
Page 8 - Chile - 2004-05 Passages to Easter Island and Valdivia, Chiloe,
Chilean Canales, Straits of Magellan, Beagle Channel,
Cape Horn
Page 9 -South Atlantic - 2005-06 Falklands, Mar del Plata, Rio de Janeiro, Ilha Bela,
Semana de Vela Regatta, Piriapolis, Mar del Plata,
Page 10 - South Africa - 2006 Cape Town, Simon's Town, Various Racing,
Inland Travel, Passage To Fremantle
Page 11 - Australia: Dec 2006 - June 2007 Fremantle, Albany, Esperance, Recherche Arch.
Across the Bight, Port Lincoln, Port Adelaide,
King Is. Port Davey (Circumnavigation completed!),
Page 12 New Zealand Sep 2007 April 2009 NZ Cruising, Various Racing, 2nd NZ Circumnavigation,
Round North Island Two-Handed Race
Page 13 Vanuatu & New Caledonia -- May Aug 2009 Vanuatu: Aneityum to the Banks Group,
New Caledonia: Northern Lagoon, D'Entrecasteaux
Reefs, Huon Is., Lifu
Page 14 New Zealand Sep 2009 June 2010
Page 15 Pacific Circuit June 2010 Nov 2011� Fiji, Wallis, Funafuti,
Kosrae, Pohnpei, Guam, Japan, Aleutians, Alaska
Peninsula, Kodiak Is., Vancouver Is., Hawaii,
Page 16 Round New Zealand Two-Handed Race Feb 2012 Mar 2012
Page 20 Boat-less in New Zealand
Page 21 Back to British Columbia
Page 22 Back in New Zealand and Blue Water Medal
Page 23 Travels in New Zealand and Elsewhere New Update May 2018
Page 24 Travels in the Deep South: 2017 New Update June 2018
Page 25 The Auckland Islands in Vingilot: 2019
Page 28 - Tips, Quips and Controversy
Page 29 Cruising Notes for Various Countries and Areas -
For cruising news and detailed information on many cruising areas go to the website of the Ocean Cruising Club
We have been irregular contributors to sailing magazines, including Cruising World, Classic Boat, Practical Boat Owner, Sail, Yachting Monthly and Yachting World. Page 17 gives a list of some of our articles over the past few years. A few may be available on the Internet from publishers' websites.